42 Mitchell Hamline L. Rev. 8 (2016)


Fayneese Miller

On December 10, 2015, Hamline University School of Law and William Mitchell College of Law combined to create the largest law school in Minnesota. This was a historic step in the history of legal education in America, and it elevated the newly created law school, Mitchell Hamline School of Law, to the forefront of legal education in the state. Thus, establishing Mitchell Hamline School of Law as the bright star in the legal education firmament in Minnesota.

While there will certainly be challenges as Mitchell Hamline School of Law takes its place as the innovative leader in the realm of legal education, the opportunities far outweigh the challenges. Opportunities abound in the areas of scholarship, pedagogical content and delivery, curriculum development, community outreach, alumni relations, and areas yet to be identified.

The faculty from the previous Hamline University School of Law and William Mitchell College of Law bring years of experience and intellectual acumen to Mitchell Hamline. The dispute resolution program is ranked fifth in the nation. The health law and clinical practice programs are nationally ranked and highly regarded. The location of the law school, combination of institutes, quality of the faculty, and the placement of graduates as members of legal teams for Fortune 500 companies, situates Mitchell Hamline as a leader in the area of business law. The on-going relationship with Hamline University’s School of Business will be a major factor in the growth and prestige of business law at Mitchell Hamline. Specifically, partnering with the business school on joint degrees will provide future attorneys with the skills necessary to be effective members of a legal team and to develop and implement the type of business plan needed to ensure future success.