Volume 46, Issue 4
July 2020
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Reform ‘Em: Expanding Oversight of Privately-Operated Immigrant Detention Centers
In October 2019, Governor Gavin Newsome of California signed a bill barring the state’s department of corrections from entering into or renewing contracts with private corporations to run state prisons and immigrant detention centers beginning January 1, 2020. Citing a lack of oversight and an improper weighing of profit maximization over livable conditions, California will…
The Immigration Judiciary’s Need for Independence: Breaking Free from the Shackles of the Attorney General
President Donald Trump’s strict immigration policies display the need to evaluate the country’s judiciary proceedings on immigration. How exactly do immigration courts function compared to civil or criminal court procedures? In short, the immigration courts are controlled by the executive branch of the United States government. This note functions as a call to Congress to…